From BuddyBid wiki
Below table talks about under what condition buyer, seller will be notified.
Case# | Listing | Event | Email to Buyer | Email to Seller | Bidding Details reported in (User Export) |
1 | Auction | Buyer place a bid | All Bidders will receive email | - | Leads |
2 | Auction | Buyer is outbid | Under Bidder will receive email | - | Lead |
3 | Auction | Listing soon getting closed | All Bidders will receive emails before the listing closing in 1 hour, 30 minutes and 5 minutes | - | - |
4 | Auction | Buyer won | Winning Bidder will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and unpaid |
4 | Auction | Buyer won | Winning Bidder will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and unpaid |
5 | Auction | Buyer pays | Winning Bidder will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and paid |
6 | Auction with Custom offer | Auction closed | All Under Bidders will receive Custom offer follow up offers | - | Leads |
7 | Auction with Custom offer | Buyer buys Custom offer | Buyer will receive email | Seller will receive email | sold and unpaid |
8 | Auction with custom offer | Buyer pays for custom offer | All paying buyers will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and paid |
9 | Buy Now | Buyers buy | All buyers will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and unpaid |
10 | Buy Now | Buyer pays | All payed Buyers will receive email | Seller will receive email | Sold and paid |
11 | Auction/Buy Now/Classified | 'Following' a listing | 1. All Followers will receive emails before the listing closing in 1 hour, 30 minutes and 5 minutes.
2. All Followers will receive email if the listing is extended. |
- | Not reported |
12 | Auction/Buy Now/Classified | 'Following' a store | All Followers will receive email when the first listing is created on that store | - | Not reported |
13 | Auction/Buy Now/Classified | Share listing/Share store | All Shared users will receive email | - | Not reported |